Links we sent our friends #79
Affordable art, a Déhanche belt dupe, and loving looking your age.
Happy Monday! Sam left town last Thursday, and while I (Aja) always miss him when he’s gone, I do love having the house to myself. It’s so quiet and peaceful (and clean, lol). Over the years, I’ve learned how much solitude is just enough, so in addition to long reading sessions on the couch and a solo trip to the movies (Aliza: What did you see??), I met up with friends — one holiday party, three walks, and two coffee runs. Hope your weekend was nice, too.
BTW: For the last few Thursdays of the year, we’ll be unlocking some of our most popular paid posts from the archives!
Aja’s Links:
Just discovered a new site for affordable art. I especially love this print.
One of our readers let me know Magic Wand is giving away free vibrators as part of a sexual research study. Find out why it’s been Wirecutter’s top pick for as long as they’ve reviewed vibrators (and then please tell us what the study is like, I’m dying to know).
This house is gorgeous. The lines! The wood! The funky furniture!
I’m obsessed with Déhanche belts (which are 30% off right now, FWIW) and got this lookalike one to satisfy the craving. (Aliza: So cute!! This is a really good dupe.)
The new Olipop flavor is delicious — like if orange juice and Mountain Dew had a baby. Does that sound good? I promise it is.
Aliza’s Links:
A brilliant new album from Jon Batiste to listen to while reading, working, cooking… all the time, really.
This is the first holiday season Jude is old enough to watch and (start to) appreciate The Nutcracker. I have zero chill about how exciting this parenting milestone is for me. We’ve been listening to the music every night and I can’t wait to see him open these sweet ornaments for Hanukkah (yes, the irony). (Aja: Watching Jude “pirouette” to The Nutcracker last week made. my. night.)
Take the chance, meet the person. (💛
.)Have I told you about these $98 jeans I’ve been wearing nearly every day since June?? I get compliments all the time — and can confirm they’re comfortable enough for a four-hour train ride.
Loving looking your age, from
Question we asked our friends:
What’s your favorite solo activity? Mine (Aja) is a tie between blasting the music I listened to in high school and dancing around the house… and having an edible and watching a movie guaranteed to make me sob. (Sam calls this a “controlled cry,” ha.) Aliza loves to sit at the sushi bar with a book. Tell us yours!
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I absolutely NEED to know more about those FP pants; are we ordering our true size?!
Jumping in to say: I own two Dehanche belts and they are WORKS OF ART. I'm obsessed with them. Like jewelry for your pants!