I don’t have kids but can’t wait for the day I stop caring about the way my husband loads the dishwasher 😅

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It’s truly liberating.

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😂😂😂 this made me laugh so hard. As you know, I have a kiddo and I still care about how my husband loads the dishwasher (he does it wrong😜). But I have other things he does that used to bother me that I’ve let go. I can’t think of any off the top of my head but I know they’re there. 🫠

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Totally! There are sooo many things to care about, it’s impossible not to just let some of them go.

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(Of course he does!!) LOL. Gosh, thanks for letting my hopes down, and bringing them back up again 😅

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I loved this and can relate to so much of it. Right now, I care less about making big career moves and more about discovering new kid-friendly spots in our neighborhood to visit together as a family.

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Yes! I really love how having a kid opens up all these new places I’d never noticed or explored before.

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loved this! I care less about how I look and more about being on my phone less.

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omg yes yes yes - I turned my phone settings onto black and white and it has been sooo helpful for reducing screen time

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The hangovers got me in the early days too! What a shock to wake up hungover and have to take care of someone even more helpless! 🤮 Now that I have teenagers I care the most about modeling the values and behavior I want to see in them - teens aren't super-interested in parental monologues so acting the way I want them to act seems like the best strategy! 😉

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You’re such a mom role model!

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10000% on "avoiding hangovers" --learned that one the hard way!

I started caring significantly more about the foods we put in our bodies and the nutritional foundation I'm establishing for my children (after growing up on Kid's Cuisine and Pepsi in the 90s) as well as the impact of our choices on the planet I'm leaving behind for my children and grandchildren (probably started caring to an unhealthy degree TBH).

As a people pleaser, I've also had to learn (and am still learning) to prioritize our family above all and care less about the expectations of others *cough cough* my in-laws expectations.

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Good for you. ALL of it. I get the worry about climate change. When you’re feeling overwhelmed just try and breathe deeply for a minute. You got this.

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Yes very true. Therapy has helped a lot as well. 🙏

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Thank god for therapy.

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These are soooo good, Brittany.

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Your own bathroom!! Entering the only bathroom in our house after my toddler has a bath is like stepping into a paddling pool.

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🤣 I totally get it…

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I’ve been a mom for 2 weeks now and this already resonates so much. Letting go at home (not caring about the dishwasher organization or the laundry getting switched over) will be so freeing 😂

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Aw congrats on becoming a mom!! 🩷 There’s just so much to care about, some things inevitably have to drop in priority.

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Similarly read this morning because I’m 4 weeks pp, and the list made me feel seen but also a lot of exciting anticipation <3

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I'm so glad!!! Oh gosh, yes, so much to look forward to. Congrats!

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I’m not a mom but I love this! Just wanted to share that because I think as we enter our 30s (I’m 34)- it starts to become so clear what is important and what is not. Thanks for sharing this!

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Completely agree. It’s liberating!

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Oh man this list nails it! The blueberries, same same... the amount my 2 year old consumes is wild. On my zero fucks list is not caring if anyone gives me a hard time about not coming out at night/to an event/to a concert/camping, anything I know I do not enjoy doing and would have previously gone anyway in order to seem "fun". It's freeing!

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Omg i love this Carly! I met a new friend recently who asked me if I was into outdoors/ hiking, or sushi… I promptly responded with “absolutely not”… and it was so freeing! I dont want to do anything I dont want to do anymore!

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I see workdays so differently too - it’s my time away from my child where I am just me, not a parent but an individual. I appreciate that I get to have opportunities to be just me + just a mom. Oh, and also I definitely love those salad kits too lol

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Salad kits? Link?

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My favorite ones are from Trader Joe’s! All-in-one salads in a bag. Brilliant. (I’ll often add rotisserie chicken for protein too.)

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Obsessed. Salad kits, so under appreciated pre kids!!!!

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I care less about climbing the ladder and more about staying present as much as I can!

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Love that, Lindsay!

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i care so little about my instagram presence. i literally just don't have time for it! if i post, it has to go on my to-do list (lol) and i post and get off. i wish i could be on there more but id rather create/record memories than endlessly scroll and the small pockets of scroll time are often inspirational now

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The title drew me in! 😂 Loved it!

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Hah thank you Jeanice!!

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Yes to all of these, though I keep buying the blueberries and complain about the price LOL. I don't care about makeup really anymore, straightening my hair, or having a purse that matches my shoes! I definitely care about making family time a priority on the weekends and starting lovely small routines/rituals that make us laugh and enjoy being together like making pizza on Friday nights, sleep in lazy Sundays, and eating dinner together as a family as much as possible.

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The small routines that foster genuine family time and connection is such a good one - love that!

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Yes to all the things you care about more, but I only wish I could stop caring about the price of blueberries and how my spouse loads the dishwasher! One thing I care zero about since becoming a parent is attending networking or other non-essential work-related events.

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The berry one has definitely taken me time to let go of… 😅

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