Oh good question re:therapy. This is meta: I actually recommend talking to your therapist about this. as a super type A “perfect student” I thought I had to prep for therapy, so I asked my Doc about it. It taught me so much about her practice and how I can make our time together into my time.

When I do therapy over zoom I try to do a 5 minute meditation to transition from my work zone and into my space. I’ve found that helps me communicate my emotions a bit better. A journaling practice is my holy grail but I’ve never been consistent. Good luck!

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Yes, love this advice! I had actually been wanting to ask her this same question and finally did — her response was so helpful and reassuring. Good validation that I’ve found someone who can just meet me where I’m at.

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And thank you so much for sharing! ❤️

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I think talking to your therapist about this is a great idea! In my own life, I see my therapist biweekly, so I just jot down any thoughts or topics I’d like to discuss as they come to mind in an ongoing note on my phone. Quick and simple, but it makes it easy to reference.

Love the idea of journaling after the session! That would be really helpful to me, but I’ve never thought of it!

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Jul 16Liked by Aliza Sir

If it's feasible, I like to go for an errand after therapy just to get it out of my head.

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Love this idea too!

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Jul 15Liked by Aja Frost, Aliza Sir

I always wanted to write The Devil Wears Payless about working at a start-up magazine, but I'm not sure it'd work as a concept any longer since there are no more start-up magazines.

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Insert laugh-crying emoji...

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Jul 15Liked by Aliza Sir

Congrats on your therapy journey, Aliza! I hope it goes well for you. Personally, I tend to go into a session with a general idea of what I want to talk about -- either something from the past week that I know connects to something we're working on, or something I've been ruminating about. But I also try to be open to seeing where our conversation goes just based on the questions my therapist asks -- and sometimes even talking about something mundane can lead to a breakthrough.

I started journaling after my sessions, too. At first it was basically recounting what we spoke about so I wouldn't forget, and it's now evolved into a summary and further exploration of any breakthroughs we had during the session, or any connections I've made through the process of writing our conversation down. I used to limit myself to a certain number of pages (so I wouldn't ruminate forever), but now I just let myself get to a natural stopping point. I've found it's really helpful for me, because it allows me to digest the information better and get all of my thoughts down immediately. It stops me from ruminating on things for the rest of the day and abates my fear of forgetting things. Plus, it's been nice to reread and see the progress I've made or the things that have come up again and again that I'm still working on. One tip -- get yourself a really nice notebook, to entice you to journal more!

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Thank you so much for sharing how this has worked for you, Julia! I can see myself feeling very similarly 💛

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Thank you for sharing that Dear Sugar entry! It’s such a profound way of approaching such a difficult question.

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I’m so glad you appreciated it! 💛 Her writing is just brilliant.

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I am a therapist, and I tell my clients that their responsibility is to bring the material and openness to explore it in depth in session, and my responsibility is to structure the material by asking questions or sharing reflections to lead them to think about it on a deeper level, and connecting it to their goals for therapy.

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Love this!

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Congrats on starting therapy! I’m a therapist myself and a therapy go-er. In both respects, I think showing up with a topic -and/or- starting with what you’re feeling/what is coming up in the moment are both beautifully wonderful. Ideally it’s a space where whatever happens, happens. Which in and of itself, can be therapeutic. IMO, not enough people talk about the process of therapy and how it feels to be in it. Looking forward to hearing more of how it feels for you.

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That is so therapeutic! I actually realized that putting pressure on myself to create *another* list for myself (ex. of therapy topics) would feel stifling — as someone who has enough responsibility already, it’s been liberating (for now, at least) to go in without an agenda and see where the conversation goes.

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Yesss exactly. Love that you felt that!

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Oh and definitely co-sign the journaling before during and after others mentioned. Helps with integration and consolidation of what you’re exploring; an honoring of what’s been named, if you will.

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Jul 15Liked by Aja Frost, Aliza Sir

Okay going to have to buy bel canto now. Been going back and forth but this sealed the deal

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You won't regret it!!

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Jul 15Liked by Aja Frost, Aliza Sir

Love a cafe Nero. We have one in Andover and I’ll work there when I’m running errands. How have I never read Bel Canto?! Adding to the long list!!

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Oookkkkay deep diving into these home good shops!! So good!!!!

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I've dived a little *too* deep and now have ten trillion things in my cart!!

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Jul 15Liked by Aja Frost, Aliza Sir

Can’t wait to see how pestle works! What a cool idea

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I know, right?!

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Jul 15Liked by Aja Frost

Hey, at least Devil Wears Prada has source material for a sequel - there's three books!

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This is true!

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