Jun 24Liked by Aja Frost, Aliza Sir

I went to high school with Jon Groff and can confirm he was a lovely and kind individual with amazing talent even back then. I wish I could the VHS of a snl spoof video he did for a homecoming assembly one year. It was hilarious (for HS written / produced/ acted!)

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Omg, that's incredible! That makes me very happy -- because he does seem so truly genuine. I went to middle and high school with John Early (the comedian/actor) and often think the same thing!

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Jun 24Liked by Aja Frost

As South Africans, we often “just” visit Cape Town or go on a safari trip for the weekend.

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“Just” going on a safari trip is mind-blowing!

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My family just vacations in the San Juan Islands, an idyllic set of islands in NW Washington! Takes a ferry ride to get there and they’re absolutely sublime. I’m very lucky to have a special connection to it 💜

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Author

Oh I have a coworker who goes there every year and is soooo taken with them! Would love to go one day...

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Jun 24Liked by Aja Frost, Aliza Sir

Napa! Love being in California for that alone even if I miss NYC daily. I grew up in Virginia Beach and always thought it was funny when people mentioned going there for vacation.

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I’ve never been to Napa as an adult despite being from California — need to go!!

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My husband and I often "just" go to Chicago! We live about two hours away in Madison WI and while we love the slower pace and small(ish) town charm, it's lovely to be able to pop down to the city to visit friends and be part of a hustle and bustle. Also immediately gives us a strong appreciation for our quiet little cottage by the lake. Loved this question!

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Jun 24Liked by Aja Frost

Ooh another Madison, WI reader!! 👋 Love this question - my husband and I often "just" go to Chicago as well, or up to Door County, WI! So many beautiful places within an easy drive of Madison that we sometimes take for granted! 💕

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Aja Frost, Aliza Sir

The NYC lofts project makes me feel so many emotions: sad they're a dying breed, mad this city has become so expensive, frustration that we're turning NYC into a city of glass buildings devoid of any charm, and a whole lot of jealousy. But I am also so glad they're being showcased in such a neat way.

there are many more photos and videos on the photographer's instagram https://www.instagram.com/joshuacharow

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Absolutely. I feel the same way when I walk through Harvard Square in Cambridge... a blend of nostalgia, love, disappointment, and gratitude.

Thanks for sharing his Instagram; I'm excited to check it out.

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As a person who lives in South Florida and has access to ultra cheap flights from the FLL or MIA airports, I usually just go to Caribbean destinations or do long weekends in cities in South America.

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Ooh, what are your favorite South American cities?

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Jun 24Liked by Aliza Sir

Re 'just' places - I live in Bristol, UK, so I 'just' hop over to Bath on the bus or train very often (15 minutes by train, 45 by bus). I did my undergrad degree there and have some involvement at the uni still, plus it's just a really nice place to go. (And, since we don't have a Marks & Spencer's in Bristol city centre, I often go there for boring jobs like buying socks)

Similarly, when I lived in Edinburgh, my regular errands and life would often take me across the Royal Mile or past some of the iconic views.

I just read Glynnis Macnicol's "I'm Mostly Here To Enjoy Myself" and one line I copied out was 'having prosaic things to do in an operatic city is one definition of what it is to be European.'

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I just finished that book on my summer roadtrip after I read on this Substack that I get free audio books on my Spotify plan. Meta!

I loved how self aware Glynnis is in the book. Also love that quote ❤️

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I need to come visit you -- these places are on my bucket list!

Also, I actually just listened to the A Thing or Two interview with Glynnis this morning and was intrigued by her new book. How was it??

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Jun 24Liked by Aliza Sir

And yes feel free to come!!! I love showing people around Bath.

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Jun 24Liked by Aliza Sir

It was fantastic, I really enjoyed it!!! I took like 9 pages of notes.

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Oh wow. This review is definitely pushing it up on my list!!

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Same same same

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Jun 25Liked by Aja Frost, Aliza Sir

Consider this my application to join the two of you to talk about it! 😜

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Jun 24Liked by Aja Frost, Aliza Sir

Thank you for having me!! And lol, it has been a shopping quest indeed! Landed on a white pair from Wilson for those following my journey closely (looking at you, Aja!)

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Thank you for this closure!

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Jun 24Liked by Aja Frost, Aliza Sir

Rhode Island specifically for the Vanderbilt mansions

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Aliza was just there for a bachelorette! So pretty.

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Jun 24Liked by Aja Frost, Aliza Sir

I often "just" go to Vermont, NH, and Cape Cod (the place you grew up counts?). I remember visiting Bali and meeting all the Australians who had "just" popped up there and thinking, it took me 17 hours!! great question.

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The place you grew up in counts extra, IMO! Ha, yes, same re: Bali.

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Jun 26Liked by Aja Frost

If you go to Joshua Charow’s YouTube channel he’s been slowly releasing mini documentaries about many of the artists and their lofts! Highly recommend. https://www.youtube.com/@joshuacharow/videos

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Oh I can’t wait to watch these… thank you for sharing!

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Love Wiser Than Me! 💕😊

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