
These tips make me think about -- and question -- why it is so challenging to be vulnerable and/or forthcoming with our emotions in front of the people we love. Sam and I stood up at our rehearsal dinner to thank everyone for coming into town, and I'll never forget, I practically froze. Even in front of "your" people, it's intimidating! (And thus why I've avoided toasts.)

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023Liked by Aja Frost, Aliza Sir

Because I'm Old, when I went to a wedding a few years ago and it was time for the speeches, when the first young person pulled out their phone I honestly thought "why are they going on their phone right now?" because I didn't understand they were going to be reading from their Notes app. Lol.

I agree that printing it out on paper looks more polished, but then again not everyone has a printer these days!

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HA! And yes, I'm in the "no printer" camp — handwritten is definitely the way to go if you have the time.

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My sister told the story of the night we met my husband at karaoke night during her MOH speech. She talked about him telling us we should sing Celine Dion. 5 years later the 3 of us flew to Vegas to see Celine Dion in concert! And she did print it.

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Ahhh, it's the stuff of movies! Love that story. And I just thought of a bonus to having a physical bonus of the speech — you can frame it!

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I am saving this for the next time I have to give a speech. Like you, speeches and toasts are my favorite part of events - but sadly, I'm an awkward and appalling speech maker. I wrote and recited a truly embarrassing "love" poem at my own wedding and still cringe when I think about it. 😅

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It's hard to imagine someone as gifted a writer as you being a bad speech-writer. OMG at the "love" poem — it sounds very earnest and sweet!

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that's the nicest thing I've heard today! The love poem was poop, but the marriage is working out (so far!)

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So much great advice--thank you!

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Thanks, Holloway! (You are an excellent speaker & one of the people I was thinking of as I wrote this!)

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Love these tips! Thanks for sharing. This one "Close by coming back to the story you started with," is the symmetrical ending strategy we teach when writing novels, too. https://todayyouwillwrite.substack.com/p/a-symmetrical-ending

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I wish #2 was mandatory for photo purposes alone!

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