Links we sent our friends #21
"More expensive than it looks," Aliza gets called out, and comedians to watch
Hi, everyone. I’m writing to you at 10:16 PM on Sunday night. Aja had written an awesome intro here — about meeting friends for dinner on Friday and marathoning Love Is Blind on the couch while Sam was out of town — but we both agreed it didn’t feel appropriate given the horrific and incredibly scary events that then unfolded over the course of the weekend in Israel and Palestine.
There’s not much to say right now, except before we jump into the links this week, I wanted to acknowledge the pain and confusion and anger many of us are probably feeling. It’s just heartbreaking.
Please check in with your people, especially your Jewish, Muslim and Israeli/Palestinian friends. We’re looking into ways to help and hope to share in our Thursday issue.
- Aliza
Aja’s Links:
How to advocate for yourself at the doctor's office. These tips are so, so useful, whether your doctor is blaming a debilitating corneal scratch on your contact lens hygiene (just me?1), treating you differently because of your weight, race, class, or gender; and/or dismissing physical symptoms as “all in your head.”
25 comedians who will be tomorrow’s superstars (according to Vulture).
Also in the category of “way less expensive than it looks”: slouchy corduroy pants that are, say it with me, perfect for fall. I like how the model’s wearing them with an oversized sweatshirt and Uggs; Doc Martens or Converse would also look good.
Some ~sophisticated~ Halloween candy and cheese pairings.
Wow, watch this TikTok next time you’re melancholy about getting older.
Aliza’s Links:
In case you’re interested: While it’s been several years, one of the greatest books I’ve read on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict — told through the stories and histories of two families — is called The Lemon Tree.
Dedicated many hours of my life this past week to Beckham.2 Paparazzi, Posh, plenty of drama, and some intense camera angles — highly recommend.
This article on #InfluencersInTheWild called me out on my own bullshit, and I appreciated it.
When I’m in the mood to put in a bit more effort than scrambled eggs or PB&J, I’ve been turning to this Caro Chambers salad recipe3 for lunch. It’s satisfying, and beauutiful too.
I completely adore our friend and Washington Post journalist Natalie Compton’s creative reporting for Fat Bear Week. Still can’t believe she gets paid to travel to places like Katmai.4
And the podcast episode my mom and my husband both texted me recently. It’s cute!
Hero image of comedian Katrina Davis courtesy of her website.
Platonic Love is an entirely reader-supported, affiliate-free publication. We love pulling these roundups together, and we want you to feel 100% confident in what we’re sharing. We’ll see you on Thursday for the final piece in our six-part Body Image series! Love, Aliza & Aja
Posh and Becks’ courtship is a surprisingly refreshing break from the TS and TK publicity stunt.
While this recipe is for paid subscribers, Caroline shares one free recipe per month.
ICYMI: We interviewed Natalie back in June!